Hearing on the acceleration of the implementation of cohesion policy, Brussel

Altiero Spinelli-gebouw (ASP) in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 7 april 2016 09:30 - 13:00
plaats Brussel, Italië
locatie Altiero Spinelli (ASP) i Toon locatie
organisatie Fractie Europese Volkspartij (EVP) i

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Welcome and introduction


Ivana MALETIĆ, Member of the European Parliament

Lambert van NISTELROOIJ, EPP Group Coordinator in the Regional Development Committee of the European Parliament (EP)


Panel 1: Member State experiences in the 2014-2020 perspective and risks of decommitments

Major obstacles and problems in Member States during implementation which hampered the absorption of the funds with projections of risks of decommitment. Challenges for 2014-2020: How to achieve results and timely implementation, avoid decommitments and solve a backlog in payments. Do we need more flexibility in the Regulation?


Ivana MALETIĆ, Opening remarks

Stanislav POLČÁK, Moderator

Katarina IVANKOVIĆ-KNEŽEVIĆ, Speaker, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Labour and Pensions, Republic of Croatia

Monika KIRBIŠ ROJS, Speaker, Head of Department for Economy, Slovenska Bistrica, Republic of Slovenia

Krzysztof KASPRZYK, Speaker, Counsellor, Head of Section, Regional and Cohesion Policy, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU

Normunds POPPENS, Speaker, Deputy Director-General, DG Regional Policy, European Commission


Question and answer session


Panel 2: Challenges for the next perspective – the future of cohesion policy


Lambert van NISTELROOIJ, EPP Group Coordinator in the Regional Development Committee of the EP, opening remarks

Andrey NOVAKOV, Moderator

Anita KRŪMIŅA, Speaker, Director, Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Republic of Latvia

Raffaele CATTANEO, Speaker, Chairman, Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget, Committee of the Regions

Prof Dr Martijn GROENLEER, Speaker, Professor of Law and Governance, Director, Tilburg Centre for Regional Law and Governance (TiREG), The Netherlands


Question and answer session


Conclusions: Acceleration of the implementation of cohesion policy


Lambert van NISTELROOIJ, EPP Group Coordinator in the Regional Development Committee of the EP

Jan OLBRYCHT, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group

Ivana MALETIĆ, Member of the European Parliament


Fractie Europese Volkspartij (EVP)

De fractie van de Europese Volkspartij is een centrum-rechtse politieke fractie en vertegenwoordigt de christendemocratische stromingen in het Europees Parlement i. De fractie is gelieerd aan de EVP-partij i.

Met 176 leden afkomstig uit 27 lidstaten speelt de EVP een belangrijke rol in het Europese politieke landschap. De fractie is sinds 1999 de grootste fractie in het Europees Parlement. De hoogste uitslag die de EVP gehaald heeft was 268 zetels, na de verkiezingen in 2004.


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